This 2022 Taiwanese men's talent show, produced by Wildfire Entertainment, features 80 contestants, mostly from Taiwan, competing to form two 5-member male music groups. Hosted by Chen Jiahua, Zhou Tanghao, and others, the contestants are divided into eight planetary groups, each with its own style. The winning sub-group debuts as the champion group, while another popular group is chosen through audience voting.
Season 1
Season 2
Planetary Appearance (Part 1) Planetary Appearance (Part 2) Traveler's Golden Turntable (Part 1) Traveler's Golden Turntable (middle) - dash! planet boyz Traveler's Golden Turntable (Part 2) - The First Dream Planetary Alliance (Part 1) Rebirth: Alliance of Planets (Part 2) Another me in a parallel universe (Part 1) Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12
Planetary Appearance (Part 1) Planetary Appearance (Part 2) Traveler's Golden Turntable (Part 1) Traveler's Golden Turntable (middle) - dash! planet boyz Traveler's Golden Turntable (Part 2) - The First Dream Planetary Alliance (Part 1) Rebirth: Alliance of Planets (Part 2) Another me in a parallel universe (Part 1) Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12