The Wiggles are a having a singing lesson today, singing a gentle song called "Butterfly, Fly Butterfly," but Captain Feathersword is having trouble singing softly.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Captain Feathersword Has the Hiccups Jump Like a Kangaroo Wiggly Sing-Along Day Express Yourself Building with Blocks Playtime Fun Music with Anthony Recycling Day Wiggle Bay Caterina's Shopping List Let's Go Riding with Ponso Storytime with Lachy and Simon Wags Can't Stand Still! Lucia's Favourite Doll Pull a Funny Face Evie's Favourite Band Marty the Human Party Baby Dorothy Won't Sleep John's Baby Nephew Captain Feathersword Can't Sing
Captain Feathersword Has the Hiccups Jump Like a Kangaroo Wiggly Sing-Along Day Express Yourself Building with Blocks Playtime Fun Music with Anthony Recycling Day Wiggle Bay Caterina's Shopping List Let's Go Riding with Ponso Storytime with Lachy and Simon Wags Can't Stand Still! Lucia's Favourite Doll Pull a Funny Face Evie's Favourite Band Marty the Human Party Baby Dorothy Won't Sleep John's Baby Nephew Captain Feathersword Can't Sing