In the chaotic mix of humans and demons, Shu and Kanna meet in a violent clash worthy of their 12-year-gap as various motives intermingle in a battle engulfed by a sea of flames. Ayano, Sharon and Kisara try to somehow intervene in the siblings' fight that puts the fate of the world at stake. The only way to stop a powerful demon is with the power of a demon. Shu and Kisara join hands once again. Will the accumulation of their feelings reach Kanna, embroiled in her rage? At the end of the battle, what future lies ahead for humans and demons alike?
Season 1
A Loser and a Demon and a Man and a Woman The Island of Desire The Slightest Terrible Cost Unobtainable Lingering Fleeting Scars Third-Party Demon Killer But It's Okay, That's Enough The Unwanted Truth Without Understanding the Tears Shed High Hopes for the Worst Case Gentle Foolish Lies Believe in Him Unresolved Grand Finale
A Loser and a Demon and a Man and a Woman The Island of Desire The Slightest Terrible Cost Unobtainable Lingering Fleeting Scars Third-Party Demon Killer But It's Okay, That's Enough The Unwanted Truth Without Understanding the Tears Shed High Hopes for the Worst Case Gentle Foolish Lies Believe in Him Unresolved Grand Finale