Space Battleship Yamato is a Japanese science fiction anime series featuring an eponymous spacecraft. It is also known to English-speaking audiences as Space Cruiser Yamato; an English-dubbed and heavily edited version of the series was broadcast on North American and Australian television as Star Blazers. The first two seasons of this version were broadcast in Greece in 1981-82 as Διαστημόπλοιο Αργώ. An Italian-language version was also broadcast under the name Star Blazers in Italy, and a Portuguese-language version was successfully shown in Brazil under the title Patrulha Estelar and Viaje a la Ultima Galaxia or Astronave Intrepido in Spain and Latin America. It is a seminal series in the history of anime, marking a turn towards more complex serious works and influencing works such as Mobile Suit Gundam and Neon Genesis Evangelion; Hideaki Anno has ranked Yamato his favorite anime and credited it with sparking his interest in anime. Yamato was the first anime series or movie to win the Seiun Award, a feat not repeated until the 1985 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
SOS Earth!! Awaken, Space Battleship Yamato Fire the Signal Gun!! Space Battleship Yamato Takes Off Yamato takes off!! The 296,000 Light Years Challenge Astonishing World!! The Yamato Exceeds the Speed of Light! Escape from the Floating Island!! The Wave Motion Gun Draws Danger Near!! Space Destroyer Yukikaze Rests on a Field of Ice! Sunken Yamato!! Destined Fortress Seizure Battle!! Deperate Yamato!! Destroy the Reflective Satellite Cannon!! Revolving Defense!! Asteriod Belt!! Farewell, solar system! From the galaxy, with love! Resolution! Break through the Gamilons' absolute defense line! Certain death! The wishing star of Orion, hell-star! Hurry, Yamato!! Earth is suffering!! The galaxy's ordeal! The year 2200 advances! Desperate escape! The galaxy's different dimension! Planet Beeland, underground prison of condemned criminals! Charge! Balanosaurus special attack group! Floating fortress island! Two men brave death! Homesickness of space! My mother's tears are my tears! The day planet Balan's sun dropped! Desperate Challenge from Domel's fleet! Decisive battle! Fight for honor at the rainbow star group! Finally arrived! Crest of the Magellanic Cloud's wave! Death struggle! God, weep for the Gamilons! Iscandar! A dying planet of love! Mother Earth, the Yamato is back!!
SOS Earth!! Awaken, Space Battleship Yamato Fire the Signal Gun!! Space Battleship Yamato Takes Off Yamato takes off!! The 296,000 Light Years Challenge Astonishing World!! The Yamato Exceeds the Speed of Light! Escape from the Floating Island!! The Wave Motion Gun Draws Danger Near!! Space Destroyer Yukikaze Rests on a Field of Ice! Sunken Yamato!! Destined Fortress Seizure Battle!! Deperate Yamato!! Destroy the Reflective Satellite Cannon!! Revolving Defense!! Asteriod Belt!! Farewell, solar system! From the galaxy, with love! Resolution! Break through the Gamilons' absolute defense line! Certain death! The wishing star of Orion, hell-star! Hurry, Yamato!! Earth is suffering!! The galaxy's ordeal! The year 2200 advances! Desperate escape! The galaxy's different dimension! Planet Beeland, underground prison of condemned criminals! Charge! Balanosaurus special attack group! Floating fortress island! Two men brave death! Homesickness of space! My mother's tears are my tears! The day planet Balan's sun dropped! Desperate Challenge from Domel's fleet! Decisive battle! Fight for honor at the rainbow star group! Finally arrived! Crest of the Magellanic Cloud's wave! Death struggle! God, weep for the Gamilons! Iscandar! A dying planet of love! Mother Earth, the Yamato is back!!
Space Battleship Yamato - Season 1
Year: 1981
Language:Italian, Japanese
Leiji Matsumoto, Yoshinobu Nishizaki