The Puzzle Place is an American children's television series produced by KCET in Los Angeles, California and Lancit Media in New York City, New York. It premiered on the Public Broadcasting Service on January 16, 1995, and ran for about four years, airing its final episode on December 4, 1998. Reruns were continued until March 31, 2000. The show followed a multi-ethnic group of kids from different parts of the United States who hung out at "the Puzzle Place", which is a teen hangout themed around jigsaw puzzle pieces. In each episode the characters were confronted with an everyday conflict usually encountered in childhood and even early teenagerdom, such as making moral decisions, sharing, racism, sexism, etc.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Deck the Halls Dressing Up Is Hard to Do One Way Oldies But Goodies Helping Hands Yellow Belt The Mystery of the Fabulous Hat How Much Is That Doggie in the Window? The New Adventures of Julie Woo We Three Kings Hello, Maggie Off the Track Beautiful Doll Tattle Tales Those Ears, Those Eyes That's Weird The Ballad of Davy Cricket Little Leon, Big Ben I Scream, You Scream Skye's Coat It's Mine One Big, Happy Family Leon Grows Up Cowpokes Hurricane Julie
Deck the Halls Dressing Up Is Hard to Do One Way Oldies But Goodies Helping Hands Yellow Belt The Mystery of the Fabulous Hat How Much Is That Doggie in the Window? The New Adventures of Julie Woo We Three Kings Hello, Maggie Off the Track Beautiful Doll Tattle Tales Those Ears, Those Eyes That's Weird The Ballad of Davy Cricket Little Leon, Big Ben I Scream, You Scream Skye's Coat It's Mine One Big, Happy Family Leon Grows Up Cowpokes Hurricane Julie