Camille, a bright and kind-hearted girl, finds home in her three loving godmothers after losing her mother at a young age. With newfound hope, she strives hard to achieve her dreams and help her close-knit family overcome life's challenges.
Season 1
Season 2
Family The Encounter Boss Asset Save Abandoned Investor Approval Argument Relationship Declined Feelings Competitor Persistent Admiration Forgiveness Thoughtful Destiny Invitation Reunited Visitor Bestfriend Brother Anger Tension Patience Agreement Speculation Disclosure Acceptance Delays Past Sabotage Caught Resign Farewell Comfort Damage Deal Misunderstanding Decision Apology Launch Departure Promise
Family The Encounter Boss Asset Save Abandoned Investor Approval Argument Relationship Declined Feelings Competitor Persistent Admiration Forgiveness Thoughtful Destiny Invitation Reunited Visitor Bestfriend Brother Anger Tension Patience Agreement Speculation Disclosure Acceptance Delays Past Sabotage Caught Resign Farewell Comfort Damage Deal Misunderstanding Decision Apology Launch Departure Promise