Based on the four-panel comic strip that follows the lives of a group of high school students and teachers, this anime features a compilation of comedic vignettes during a typical day in class over the course of three years.
Season 1
A Child High School Student Osaka's Day Yukari and Nyamo Pool, Pool, Pool! Summer Break Sports Fest Culture Fest New Year's Dream Special Chiyo-chan's Birthday We're Second Year Students! Kagura And Sakaki Chiyo-chan's Day Midterm Exams The Ocean, Summer Kimonos, And A Party! Sports Fest, Second Year Culture Fest, Second Year End of Second Term and Christmas Yomi's Ordeals One Spring Night Third Year School Trip Entrance Exams Study Camp! Last Sports Fest In High School Yamamayaa Onwards, Entrance Exams! Graduation Ceremony
A Child High School Student Osaka's Day Yukari and Nyamo Pool, Pool, Pool! Summer Break Sports Fest Culture Fest New Year's Dream Special Chiyo-chan's Birthday We're Second Year Students! Kagura And Sakaki Chiyo-chan's Day Midterm Exams The Ocean, Summer Kimonos, And A Party! Sports Fest, Second Year Culture Fest, Second Year End of Second Term and Christmas Yomi's Ordeals One Spring Night Third Year School Trip Entrance Exams Study Camp! Last Sports Fest In High School Yamamayaa Onwards, Entrance Exams! Graduation Ceremony