Made in Canada is a Canadian television situation comedy which aired on CBC Television from 1998 to 2003. Rick Mercer co-created the program and starred as mercenary TV producer Richard Strong. In the United States, France, Australia and Latin America, the show was syndicated as The Industry. It was produced using a single camera setup.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
The Pitch Trojan Horse Roomies Office Rumours Corporate Retreat Everyone's a Critic Beaver Creek Commercials Creative Bookkeeping Tax Audit Alan's Brother Book of Damacles Veronica's Friend Just Another Week The War of 1812 Damacles, Time Traveler Wrap Party
The Pitch Trojan Horse Roomies Office Rumours Corporate Retreat Everyone's a Critic Beaver Creek Commercials Creative Bookkeeping Tax Audit Alan's Brother Book of Damacles Veronica's Friend Just Another Week The War of 1812 Damacles, Time Traveler Wrap Party