The Nine Schools Competition begins, and Shizuku goes head-to-head with Shiori in the Speed Shooting tournament. Shiori utilizes the “Arithmetic Chain” magic sequence which allows her to perform mathematical calculations faster than a supercomputer. Shiori left her own broken family to join Airi’s team, and her determination to win drives Shizuku into a corner. Honoka and her friends nervously watch the match, but Miyuki says, “Who do you think Shizuku’s engineer is?” with a confident smile. Just as she has predicted, Tatsuya has a secret tactic up his sleeve to bring victory to Shizuku.
Season 0
Season 1
I'll cherish this for the rest of my life May I join you? The Girls’ Detective Club is here! Friends I won't let anyone interfere The Nine Schools Competition begins Arithmetic Chain Hell of Ice and Flames Because you were by my side I don't want to lose Brother, good luck I will fly! I can't lose
I'll cherish this for the rest of my life May I join you? The Girls’ Detective Club is here! Friends I won't let anyone interfere The Nine Schools Competition begins Arithmetic Chain Hell of Ice and Flames Because you were by my side I don't want to lose Brother, good luck I will fly! I can't lose