This animated series follows the colourful and funny adventures of lovable hairy hero Love Monster as he searches for the right thing to do in a world in which he is one of a kind.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
A Very Merry Unicorn Day Jam Session Day Camping Buddy Day Splash About Day Happy Healthy Day Super Rainbow Day Siesta Fiesta Day Makeover Day Woodworking Day Fluffytown Swap Day Take a Treat Day Moving Day Party All Day Day Babysitting Day Sparkle and Shine Day Breakfast for Dinner Day Extreme Snowy Sports Day Be a Brave Bunny Day What's Going on Day Make a Plan Day Magic Show Day Treat Your Friends Day Lost Parcel Day Elders Away Day The Big Beanbag Bash Day Road Trip Day
A Very Merry Unicorn Day Jam Session Day Camping Buddy Day Splash About Day Happy Healthy Day Super Rainbow Day Siesta Fiesta Day Makeover Day Woodworking Day Fluffytown Swap Day Take a Treat Day Moving Day Party All Day Day Babysitting Day Sparkle and Shine Day Breakfast for Dinner Day Extreme Snowy Sports Day Be a Brave Bunny Day What's Going on Day Make a Plan Day Magic Show Day Treat Your Friends Day Lost Parcel Day Elders Away Day The Big Beanbag Bash Day Road Trip Day