Burke's Law is an American detective series that ran on ABC from 1963 to 1965 and was revived on CBS in the 1990s. The show starred Gene Barry as Amos Burke, millionaire captain of Los Angeles police homicide division, who was chauffeured around to solve crimes in his Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud II.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Balance of Terror Operation Long Shadow Steam Heat Password to Death The Man with the Power Nightmare in the Sun The Prisoners of Mr. Sin Peace, It's a Gasser The Weapon Deadlier Than the Male Whatever Happend to Adriana, and Why Won't She Stay Dead? The Man's Men Or No Tomorrow A Little Gift for Cairo A Very Important Russian is Missing Terror in a Tiny Town (1) Terror in a Tiny Town (2)
Balance of Terror Operation Long Shadow Steam Heat Password to Death The Man with the Power Nightmare in the Sun The Prisoners of Mr. Sin Peace, It's a Gasser The Weapon Deadlier Than the Male Whatever Happend to Adriana, and Why Won't She Stay Dead? The Man's Men Or No Tomorrow A Little Gift for Cairo A Very Important Russian is Missing Terror in a Tiny Town (1) Terror in a Tiny Town (2)