Gabby Duran, who constantly feels like she’s living in the shadows of her mother and younger sister, finally finds her moment to shine when she inadvertently lands an out-of-this-world job to babysit an unruly group of very important extraterrestrial children who are hiding out on Earth with their families, disguised as everyday kids.
Season 1
Season 2
Mom Wipe Gabby's Big Break The Vibe Ratita and the Ultras Mimi from Miami The Mile Dude, Where's My House? A Song of Gabby & Susie The Bubble GOAT of the Month Welcome to the Club Dinas and Dougs Beware the Fright Master Zeke to the Future Adventures in Alien House-Sitting Fountain of Ruth Extreme Ruckus Shoe-Dun-It Magic Hours The Fault in Our Star Night Episode 21
Mom Wipe Gabby's Big Break The Vibe Ratita and the Ultras Mimi from Miami The Mile Dude, Where's My House? A Song of Gabby & Susie The Bubble GOAT of the Month Welcome to the Club Dinas and Dougs Beware the Fright Master Zeke to the Future Adventures in Alien House-Sitting Fountain of Ruth Extreme Ruckus Shoe-Dun-It Magic Hours The Fault in Our Star Night Episode 21