Star Blazers is an American animated television series adaptation of the Japanese anime series, Space Battleship Yamato I, II, and III. Star Blazers was first broadcast in the United States in 1979. Significantly, it was the first popular English-translated anime that had an overarching plot and storyline that required the episodes to be shown in order. It dealt with somewhat more mature themes than other productions aimed at the same target audience at the time. As a result, it paved the way for future arc-based, plot-driven anime translations.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Solar System Faces Destruction The Great Battle in the Milky Way Star Force Embarks at Dawn Shoot for Planet Mars S O S Legendra! Great Battle Near Planet Brumas The Rough Seas of Alpha The Last Pioneer Battle at Barnard's Star Dagon's New Fleet Attacks Back Yamato in Danger Near the Cygnus A Penal Colony in Space Dreadful Bolar Federation The Subspace Submariner: Garuman Wolf Star Force Becomes a Prisoner A Fete Day for Desslar Desslar's Empire at the Eleventh Hour The Angry Sun On the Way to Planet Phantom Planet Phantom It Is Shattered Hope Farewell Planet Phantom Battle at the Scalageck Strait The Secret of Planet Shalabart Yamato, Hit the Sun
Solar System Faces Destruction The Great Battle in the Milky Way Star Force Embarks at Dawn Shoot for Planet Mars S O S Legendra! Great Battle Near Planet Brumas The Rough Seas of Alpha The Last Pioneer Battle at Barnard's Star Dagon's New Fleet Attacks Back Yamato in Danger Near the Cygnus A Penal Colony in Space Dreadful Bolar Federation The Subspace Submariner: Garuman Wolf Star Force Becomes a Prisoner A Fete Day for Desslar Desslar's Empire at the Eleventh Hour The Angry Sun On the Way to Planet Phantom Planet Phantom It Is Shattered Hope Farewell Planet Phantom Battle at the Scalageck Strait The Secret of Planet Shalabart Yamato, Hit the Sun