Uzume Uno is a young student and former champion of a trading card game competition. She is trusted with a special device containing five powerful Fantasista Dolls. These dolls are sentient virtual beings who reside in cards which are now controlled by their new master, Uzume.
Season 1
Eager Uzume: A Suspicious Creeping Shadow? Sasara Sarasara: You're My "Master"? The Expedient Errand: Madeleine's Devotion? Jimejime Shimeji: Counter-attack by the Pathetic Prince? Work Work Working: Katia's Beginning? Akari Karikari: Restrictions and Devotion? A Heart Tart? All Together As One Onion On On: A Cultural Festival? Kagami Kami Kami? Confusing Feelings Poked Poker: The Director's Challenge? Komachi Machi Machi? Promised Devotion Wishes Upbeat, Everyone's Shining
Eager Uzume: A Suspicious Creeping Shadow? Sasara Sarasara: You're My "Master"? The Expedient Errand: Madeleine's Devotion? Jimejime Shimeji: Counter-attack by the Pathetic Prince? Work Work Working: Katia's Beginning? Akari Karikari: Restrictions and Devotion? A Heart Tart? All Together As One Onion On On: A Cultural Festival? Kagami Kami Kami? Confusing Feelings Poked Poker: The Director's Challenge? Komachi Machi Machi? Promised Devotion Wishes Upbeat, Everyone's Shining