Takeshi Nanase is an ordinary high school boy who has a somewhat dark past. One day, he comes across a girl named Mui Aiba, in a uniform he has never seen before, collapsed on the school campus. This encounter changes his destiny completely. She tells Takeshi that she is a magician, and she apologizes, for she turned Takeshi into a magician, too. What Takeshi once knew as one world is actually two — the world where magicians live and the world where humans live.
Season 1
Midsummer Magical Girl Another World The Magic Academy and Love Fortunes Mui and Tsuganashi of the Ruined World Magic Tests and Winter Vacation Battle and Recovery The Magic Sword’s Secret Wizard Brace’s Darkness Prelude to Destruction Vanishing Boundaries The Battle of Pendragon Gone from This World
Midsummer Magical Girl Another World The Magic Academy and Love Fortunes Mui and Tsuganashi of the Ruined World Magic Tests and Winter Vacation Battle and Recovery The Magic Sword’s Secret Wizard Brace’s Darkness Prelude to Destruction Vanishing Boundaries The Battle of Pendragon Gone from This World