The story follows Hime Arikawa, whose absent parents have left him saddled with a huge debt. After being saved from debt collectors by three girls on the student council, in exchange for paying off his debt, he agrees to spend the rest of his high school career dressed as a girl.
Season 1
I Feel Like I've Lost as a Girl I'd Go For You Right Now You're So Cute, Damn It... What's With That Scenario?! We'd Like You to Wear the Riskiest Thing Possible! Can I Take a Low-Angle Shot? Your Boobs Are Fully Exposed. Is That Okay? It's My First Time, So Please Be Gentle And? Did it Spill Out? That's a Valid Argument, But Let's Keep It Secret Basically, a Household Search Hime-nii Said He's Quitting the Student Council! Sorry, Hime-kun
I Feel Like I've Lost as a Girl I'd Go For You Right Now You're So Cute, Damn It... What's With That Scenario?! We'd Like You to Wear the Riskiest Thing Possible! Can I Take a Low-Angle Shot? Your Boobs Are Fully Exposed. Is That Okay? It's My First Time, So Please Be Gentle And? Did it Spill Out? That's a Valid Argument, But Let's Keep It Secret Basically, a Household Search Hime-nii Said He's Quitting the Student Council! Sorry, Hime-kun