The Brothers Flub is an animated television series produced by Sunbow Productions and co-produced by Ravensburger. It aired in the United States of America on the television network Nickelodeon. The show's titular characters are a pair of alien brothers named Guapo and Fraz, both of whom work as couriers, who travel throughout their universe to deliver packages to a different planet in each episode of the series. The Brothers Flub lasted for twenty-six episodes, airing on Sundays from January 1999 until its cancellation in January 2000!
Season 1
Scared Stiff Prehysteria Wrestlemaniacs Bard Brain Hair Brains Tiresome Twosome Madman Mambo Guapo's Funhouse Flub, Flub & Away Cookie Crumbles Snow Doomed Guapos Galore Village Idiots Flubs Overeasy Queen Bees Fitness Freaks Pizza! Pizza! Bad Judgment Day Tarara Birthdeeyay Big Business Cold Soreheads Operation Flubpossible Warped Speed Double Feature A Courier's Carol Boys Toys Sore Loser Paradise Shmaradise Finder's Keepers Shrinky Dinky It's a Mystery For The Birds Teacher's Pest Yippy-Ki-Yay Unlucky Charmers Bunch of Trouble Heads Up Pay Dirt Bosom Buddies Mother's Little Helpers Wishmasters Train in Vain Fatal Distraction Just Deserts Good Sports Sidekicked Play Time On My Case Family Outing Talent Show-Offs Thanks for the Memories Sloppy Sentiments
Scared Stiff Prehysteria Wrestlemaniacs Bard Brain Hair Brains Tiresome Twosome Madman Mambo Guapo's Funhouse Flub, Flub & Away Cookie Crumbles Snow Doomed Guapos Galore Village Idiots Flubs Overeasy Queen Bees Fitness Freaks Pizza! Pizza! Bad Judgment Day Tarara Birthdeeyay Big Business Cold Soreheads Operation Flubpossible Warped Speed Double Feature A Courier's Carol Boys Toys Sore Loser Paradise Shmaradise Finder's Keepers Shrinky Dinky It's a Mystery For The Birds Teacher's Pest Yippy-Ki-Yay Unlucky Charmers Bunch of Trouble Heads Up Pay Dirt Bosom Buddies Mother's Little Helpers Wishmasters Train in Vain Fatal Distraction Just Deserts Good Sports Sidekicked Play Time On My Case Family Outing Talent Show-Offs Thanks for the Memories Sloppy Sentiments