Graham Norton's Bigger Picture is a British comedy panel chat show launched on BBC One in 2005, in which presenter Graham Norton informally and satirically discusses the week's news with a panel of invited celebrity guests. The show begins with the celebrities being shown in mocked-up photographs of themselves in scenes involving other celebrities, and ends with the guests introducing other mocked up photographs that humorously explain the recent behaviour of other celebrities.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Minnie Driver, Patrick Swayze, Sandi Toksvig, and Phil Nichol Jackie Collins, Shane Warne, Marcus Brigstocke, and Juliette Lewis Michael Barrymore, Danny Wallace, and Lorraine Kelly Dustin Hoffman, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and Joanna Lumley Jo Brand, Clive James, Rupert Everett, and Jane Horrocks Griff Rhys Jones, Elaine Paige, Ed Byrne, and George Foreman Harry Shearer, Cilla Black, Janet Street-Porter, and Christian Slater Emma Bunton, Jason Isaacs, Fred MacAulay and Alan Cumming Louis Walsh, Jo Caulfield, and Richard Madeley Mackenzie Crook, Clive Anderson,Miriam Margolyes, and Susan Sarandon
Minnie Driver, Patrick Swayze, Sandi Toksvig, and Phil Nichol Jackie Collins, Shane Warne, Marcus Brigstocke, and Juliette Lewis Michael Barrymore, Danny Wallace, and Lorraine Kelly Dustin Hoffman, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and Joanna Lumley Jo Brand, Clive James, Rupert Everett, and Jane Horrocks Griff Rhys Jones, Elaine Paige, Ed Byrne, and George Foreman Harry Shearer, Cilla Black, Janet Street-Porter, and Christian Slater Emma Bunton, Jason Isaacs, Fred MacAulay and Alan Cumming Louis Walsh, Jo Caulfield, and Richard Madeley Mackenzie Crook, Clive Anderson,Miriam Margolyes, and Susan Sarandon