Macross Delta is set in the year 2067, 8 years after the events of the latest Macross TV series, Macross Frontier. The story focuses on Walküre, a team of talented idols and the Delta Squadron, a team of experienced Valkyrie pilots as they battle against the Var Syndrome, a mysterious phenomena that is consuming the galaxy and there is also the mysterious Aerial Knights Valkyrie fighter team of the Kingdom of Wind.
Season 0
Season 1
Prologue on the Battlefield Audition with Death A Stormy Dogfight A Shocking Debut Stage Moonlight Dancing Decision Overload Behind Enemy Lines Escape Resonance Uncontrolled on the Edge Axia Flash Jellyfish Reminiscence King of the Wind Passionate Diving Embracing Adrift Parting Resolution Hesitating Birthday Scatter on Stage Sense Emergence Eternal Songs Impulse Experiment Yearning Secret Extreme Brave Scarred Requiem Fatal Judgment Star Singer Eternal Walküre
Prologue on the Battlefield Audition with Death A Stormy Dogfight A Shocking Debut Stage Moonlight Dancing Decision Overload Behind Enemy Lines Escape Resonance Uncontrolled on the Edge Axia Flash Jellyfish Reminiscence King of the Wind Passionate Diving Embracing Adrift Parting Resolution Hesitating Birthday Scatter on Stage Sense Emergence Eternal Songs Impulse Experiment Yearning Secret Extreme Brave Scarred Requiem Fatal Judgment Star Singer Eternal Walküre