The story begins with Izumi Hayato running to be student body president. But when a beautiful girl swings in promising the liberalization of love while flinging condoms into the audience, he ends up losing to her and becoming the vice president. At the student council meeting, the newly-elected president invites herself over to Izumi's house, where she promptly announces she is to become Izumi's wife thanks to an agreement that their parents had made, a drunken promise decades ago that their children would one day become husband and wife. Naturally Hayato is against this, but Ui has the complete opposite reaction, and even wants to live with him! Will the upset Hayato and the overenthusiastic Ui be able to manage their school and marital life while keeping it a secret from the other students? Or will the two never come to understand each other's feelings?
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
The Playful Student Council President Late Summer Festival with the Disciplinary Committee Head The Student Council President and the Photography Club President The Disciplinary Committee Head's Awakening The Vice President's Long Night A Dangerous Afternoon with Niikura-san The Unrelenting Battle of the President and the Disciplinary Committee Head The President's Efforts and Winter's Temptations The Photography Club President's Hidden Desire The President and Disciplinary Committee Head's Troubles The Vice President and Treasurer Make Some Kind of Progress A Holy Night with the President and All the Rest
The Playful Student Council President Late Summer Festival with the Disciplinary Committee Head The Student Council President and the Photography Club President The Disciplinary Committee Head's Awakening The Vice President's Long Night A Dangerous Afternoon with Niikura-san The Unrelenting Battle of the President and the Disciplinary Committee Head The President's Efforts and Winter's Temptations The Photography Club President's Hidden Desire The President and Disciplinary Committee Head's Troubles The Vice President and Treasurer Make Some Kind of Progress A Holy Night with the President and All the Rest