In Kyoto, humans and supernatural creatures live side-by-side. Soichiro Shimogamo used to be the head of tanuki society, but without warning one day he was made into tanuki stew, and no one knows how it happened. He left four sons behind who all live happily with their mother. What does fate have in store for this strongly bonded family?!
Season 1
Season 2
The Nidaime's Homecoming The Conjurer Tenmaya The Scent of Europe The Tanuki Shogi Tournament Daimonji Luxury Liner Battle Continued Arima Hell The Friday Club Once More Ebisugawa Kaisei's Secret The Various Nidaime The Day the Trick Magister Is Chosen The Blood of the Tengu, the Blood of the Fool The Red String of Fate
The Nidaime's Homecoming The Conjurer Tenmaya The Scent of Europe The Tanuki Shogi Tournament Daimonji Luxury Liner Battle Continued Arima Hell The Friday Club Once More Ebisugawa Kaisei's Secret The Various Nidaime The Day the Trick Magister Is Chosen The Blood of the Tengu, the Blood of the Fool The Red String of Fate