Date Kazuyoshi (Sakai) is a detective on the Kanagawa prefectural police force. During the day, he is known as a "Buddha" for his gentle personality, pouring all of his energy into resolving each case. At night, however, he transforms into a cruel punisher as his gentleness gives way to his anger towards the criminals. The series poses questions about what justice and evil truly are. Tokyograph
Season 0
Season 1
Crime 1 The two-faced detective... The brutal perpetrator brought to justice by a dark force Crime 2 The hidden trap behind the insurance money murder Crime 3 The faked stalker murder Crime 4 The mystery hidden behind the random killing Crime 5 Money monger... the ruthlessness of the female lawyer Crime 6 Child abuse... the life that can't be saved... Crime 7 A copycat appears... The wrongful pursuit of justice Crime 8 The shocking death... Date's greatest crisis Crime 9 Statute of limitations... Nowhere to hide from the truth Crime 10 Unexplained disappearances... The mysterious mastermind is revealed? The shocking end
Crime 1 The two-faced detective... The brutal perpetrator brought to justice by a dark force Crime 2 The hidden trap behind the insurance money murder Crime 3 The faked stalker murder Crime 4 The mystery hidden behind the random killing Crime 5 Money monger... the ruthlessness of the female lawyer Crime 6 Child abuse... the life that can't be saved... Crime 7 A copycat appears... The wrongful pursuit of justice Crime 8 The shocking death... Date's greatest crisis Crime 9 Statute of limitations... Nowhere to hide from the truth Crime 10 Unexplained disappearances... The mysterious mastermind is revealed? The shocking end