Set within a hospital, located on the outskirts of town, mysterious phenomenons occur in sequence around a nurse. The nurse is suspected as the cause for some horrible cases and finds herself in danger.
Season 1
Hospital Wriggling of the Spirit Whispers From Beyond The Grave The Creeping Ghost Picture The Woman that Brings Misfortune Surrounded by a Poltergeist The Groaning Psychic in the Video The Roar of a Possessed Cries of Resentment The Wandering Evil Spirits of Mountains and Rivers The End of Evil
Hospital Wriggling of the Spirit Whispers From Beyond The Grave The Creeping Ghost Picture The Woman that Brings Misfortune Surrounded by a Poltergeist The Groaning Psychic in the Video The Roar of a Possessed Cries of Resentment The Wandering Evil Spirits of Mountains and Rivers The End of Evil