An animated series for television based on the Back to the Future trilogy of feature films. Based on the highly successful Back to the Future movie trilogy, this series is set, um, "after" the events of the last film, as the adventures of Marty McFly and Doc Brown in their DeLorean time machine continue. Joining the ride is Clara, (Doc's wife from Back To The Future Part III,) Jules and Verne (their sons) Einstein the dog and Jennifer (Marty's girlfriend). And apparently there's a Tannen in every time as relatives of Biff keep popping up, and creating conflict. Mary Steenburgen and Tom Wilson reprise their roles from the movies. During live portions of the show, Christopher Lloyd reprised his role as Doc Brown and was joined by Bill Nye, who conducted experiments that were used in the show.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Mac the Black Put on Your Thinking Caps, Kids! It's Time for Mr. Wisdom! A Friend In Deed Marty McFly PFC Verne's New Friend Bravelord and the Demon Monstrux The Money Tree A Verne by Any Other Name Hill Valley Brown-Out My Pop's an Alien Super Doc St. Louis Blues Verne Hatches an Egg
Mac the Black Put on Your Thinking Caps, Kids! It's Time for Mr. Wisdom! A Friend In Deed Marty McFly PFC Verne's New Friend Bravelord and the Demon Monstrux The Money Tree A Verne by Any Other Name Hill Valley Brown-Out My Pop's an Alien Super Doc St. Louis Blues Verne Hatches an Egg
Back to the Future
Tagline:The time travelling adventures of Doc Brown, his family, and his friend, Marty McFly.
Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Year: 1992
United States of America