Burke's Law, a revival of the 1960s cop television series of the same name, aired on CBS from 1994 to 1995. The series centers on Amos Burke, a senior Los Angeles police officer and millionaire, and his son, Peter, who is a detective under his command.
Season 1
Season 2
Who Killed the World's Greatest Chef? Who Killed the Motorcar Maverick? Who Killed the Gadget Man? Who Killed the Highest Bidder? Who Killed Mr. Game Show? Who Killed the Lifeguard? Who Killed the Centerfold? Who Killed the Movie Mogul? Who Killed the Toy Maker? Who Killed Cock-a-Doodle Dooley? Who Killed the King of the Country Club? Who Killed the Sweet Smell of Success? Who Killed the Hollywood Headshrinker? Who Killed the Tennis Ace?
Who Killed the World's Greatest Chef? Who Killed the Motorcar Maverick? Who Killed the Gadget Man? Who Killed the Highest Bidder? Who Killed Mr. Game Show? Who Killed the Lifeguard? Who Killed the Centerfold? Who Killed the Movie Mogul? Who Killed the Toy Maker? Who Killed Cock-a-Doodle Dooley? Who Killed the King of the Country Club? Who Killed the Sweet Smell of Success? Who Killed the Hollywood Headshrinker? Who Killed the Tennis Ace?