Akiba-chan is an original series of ten short anime comedy films. Akiba-chan is the name of the main character, a posable figurine. Her name refers to the otaku obsession with collecting anime figurines and other merchandise. She lives in an apartment house named Maison de Akiba. Four other girls share her easy-going, comic adventures. The anime uses a combination of computer animation and a stop-motion technique named フィギュメーション. The moe character design is by Poyoyon Rock a k a 渡辺 明夫.
Season 1
Hand-made Chocolate for Valentine's! The Invisible Human, Milk-chan! Homework Thief, Akiba-chan! Akiba-chan Bullied Me! I Want to Slim Down! I Want to Eat! Otome-chan's Introduction to Novel-Writing! Riki-chan vs the Black Guy! Mystery of the Steam Bath! Let's Fight the Cold with Everyone! Lillian-chan's Cooking Plan!
Hand-made Chocolate for Valentine's! The Invisible Human, Milk-chan! Homework Thief, Akiba-chan! Akiba-chan Bullied Me! I Want to Slim Down! I Want to Eat! Otome-chan's Introduction to Novel-Writing! Riki-chan vs the Black Guy! Mystery of the Steam Bath! Let's Fight the Cold with Everyone! Lillian-chan's Cooking Plan!