Crossbow follows the adventures of William Tell and takes place in the 14th-century in Switzerland. William Tell and his son are imprisoned by the tyrannical Gessler. As Governor of Austria, Gessler plans to stop the Swiss uprising. Having split the apple on his son's head with his crossbow, much to Gessler's chagrin, there is no stopping William Tell's legendary strength and skill.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
The Touch Spirit of Rebellion Insurrection Doppelganger Trail Break The Prince of the Wasteland/The Mission The Bounty Twins The Gods Gansari's Zombies The Shadow Gorian the Spider Forbidden Fruit The Lost City The Bridge Silver Rider The Children The Magician The Wind Wagon Goldilocks Amazon Head Hunters Forbidden Land The Moment of Truth (1) The Moment of Truth (2)
The Touch Spirit of Rebellion Insurrection Doppelganger Trail Break The Prince of the Wasteland/The Mission The Bounty Twins The Gods Gansari's Zombies The Shadow Gorian the Spider Forbidden Fruit The Lost City The Bridge Silver Rider The Children The Magician The Wind Wagon Goldilocks Amazon Head Hunters Forbidden Land The Moment of Truth (1) The Moment of Truth (2)