Freeter, Ie wo Kau is a Japanese television drama series that aired on Fuji Television and on Kyodo Television in 2010. The story revolves around Take Seiji, who quits his job after three months. With no dreams, no savings, and a poor relationship with his family, he becomes a hikikomori. However, after his mother falls ill with depression, he ends up having to take on a part-time job at a construction site. Because of that, he soon decides to work towards rebuilding his life: "Even though I'm just a freeter, I'm going to buy a house for the sake of my family." One of the people he meets at the construction site is Chiba Manami, who graduated from a top-class university and joined a well-known general contracting firm. Manami is the complete opposite of Seiji. But while their personalities clash at first, they gradually come to understand each other. --Tokyograph
Season 0
Season 1
My cheerful mother broke down...! No matter what I do, I'm just an embarrassment of a son to you Even a dad like that, was once a hero to me I can't bear to take care of my mother anymore... What do you mean we live in different worlds... Don't do anything to hurt mom We all live alongside fear You don't know a thing about your father Starting over, or so I thought My mother smiled Special
My cheerful mother broke down...! No matter what I do, I'm just an embarrassment of a son to you Even a dad like that, was once a hero to me I can't bear to take care of my mother anymore... What do you mean we live in different worlds... Don't do anything to hurt mom We all live alongside fear You don't know a thing about your father Starting over, or so I thought My mother smiled Special