Marumo no Okite is a Japanese television series which premiered on Fuji TV on April 24, 2011. This television series stars Sadao Abe as Mamoru Takagi, a public relations officer with a stationery company. It also stars child actors Fuku Suzuki and child actress Mana Ashida as Mamoru's late friend Jun-ichiro's twin children. The television series was broadcast as part of the Fuji TV's Dramatic Sunday time slot, which airs every Sunday from 9pm to 9:54pm.
Season 0
Season 1
Single parent and two kid family!? The bond with a dog From today, this is your home The entrance ceremony, Marumo is coming? Something major happened at night when Marumo was out!! The return of Marumo's mom… Marumo, I don't ever want to see your face The Mother of the Twins Revealed at Last! A Birthday Party in Tears Can't I fall in love with you because of the twins? I knocked Kaoru down Is that lady our mom? Protected from happenings, we are very happy! Thank you and goodbye Marumo.
Single parent and two kid family!? The bond with a dog From today, this is your home The entrance ceremony, Marumo is coming? Something major happened at night when Marumo was out!! The return of Marumo's mom… Marumo, I don't ever want to see your face The Mother of the Twins Revealed at Last! A Birthday Party in Tears Can't I fall in love with you because of the twins? I knocked Kaoru down Is that lady our mom? Protected from happenings, we are very happy! Thank you and goodbye Marumo.