Dusty's Trail is an American Western/comedy series that aired in syndication from September 1973 to March 1974 starring Bob Denver and Forrest Tucker. The series is a western-themed reworking of Gilligan's Island. The series, set in the latter 19th century, is about a small, diverse cluster of lost travelers, who become separated from their wagon train.
Season 1
Pilot There Is Nothing Like a Dame Horse of Another Color Treasure of C. Harry Motley Duel for Daphne Love Means... Bananas Then There Were Seven Tomahawk Territory Two of a Kind Half Moon Here Come the Grooms Danger Stranger Magician Androcles and the Bear My Fair Callahan Brookhaven U.S.A. How Dry Was My Valley? Wizard of Ooze Phony Express Nothing to Crow About Not So Magnificent Seven Witch's Trail The Cavalry Is Coming John J. Callahan How Not To Be A Good Samaritan Pechango Berries
Pilot There Is Nothing Like a Dame Horse of Another Color Treasure of C. Harry Motley Duel for Daphne Love Means... Bananas Then There Were Seven Tomahawk Territory Two of a Kind Half Moon Here Come the Grooms Danger Stranger Magician Androcles and the Bear My Fair Callahan Brookhaven U.S.A. How Dry Was My Valley? Wizard of Ooze Phony Express Nothing to Crow About Not So Magnificent Seven Witch's Trail The Cavalry Is Coming John J. Callahan How Not To Be A Good Samaritan Pechango Berries