Allison and Will set out on a mission to discover the fabled "peace treasure" in a continent wrought with long-standing conflict between two kingdoms. Their belief and aspirations are carried on by their daughter, Lillia, who strives to bring the warring nations together as a united land. This animated show motivates young viewers to dream of a world that is rid of hostility and disputes brought on by differences in nationality or ideology.
Season 1
Allison and Will Towards an Enemy Country! Walter's Fight Two People's Existing World Secluded Forest Fiona`s Valley Entrusting People Princess and Hero Bridge Spanning the Original Battlefield The Train Named Conspiracy Facing and Attacking the Armored Vehicle Lillian's Long First Day Soshite ni nin ha Lillia and Treize Disaster Charity Seaplane Wings of Justice Reward Kiss Fuyu no ikusutoova Akumu no hatsuyume Shukumei no chichi musume The Revealed Hidden Treasure Accidental Travellers The Great Train Operation The Criminal Laughs Secretly My Prince
Allison and Will Towards an Enemy Country! Walter's Fight Two People's Existing World Secluded Forest Fiona`s Valley Entrusting People Princess and Hero Bridge Spanning the Original Battlefield The Train Named Conspiracy Facing and Attacking the Armored Vehicle Lillian's Long First Day Soshite ni nin ha Lillia and Treize Disaster Charity Seaplane Wings of Justice Reward Kiss Fuyu no ikusutoova Akumu no hatsuyume Shukumei no chichi musume The Revealed Hidden Treasure Accidental Travellers The Great Train Operation The Criminal Laughs Secretly My Prince