Animated parody of famous superheroes about a young boy called Eric, who found out that when he eats bananas he transforms into the super strong Bananaman!
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Disaster at Devil's Cove Night of the Nerks The Snowman Cometh The Pirate TV Station Battle of the Bridge Harbour of Lost Ships Visibility Zero Battle of the Century The Peril of Ping Pong The Great Air Race Cavern of the Lost Clown Capers Banana Junction The Crown Jewel Caper Operation Total
Disaster at Devil's Cove Night of the Nerks The Snowman Cometh The Pirate TV Station Battle of the Bridge Harbour of Lost Ships Visibility Zero Battle of the Century The Peril of Ping Pong The Great Air Race Cavern of the Lost Clown Capers Banana Junction The Crown Jewel Caper Operation Total