Ordinary high school student, Rikugou Tokidoki, has to take supplementary History classes, to boost his failing grade, at a state-of-the-art museum. This museum allows the visitor to use high-tech virtual reality to reconstruct a realistic Edo of the Bakumatsu period. However, once the simulation begins, Tokidoki is attacked by a strange creature. After something happens to his left eye, he realizes that he is not wearing the VR goggles - it is no longer a simulation; he's trapped in the virtual world and has no way of getting back.
Season 1
This Rainy Night's Moon The Voice That Calls To Dogs On The Monster's Road Dog God And The Sacred Princess Dawn And Awakening Marks In A Water Channel Descending Dawn The Sleeping Twilight Flower Spring Afternoon And, The Day Was Shady Dark and Thick Woods Both Sides of the Konotegashiwa Winter Winds of the High Peaks Whistles Through the Bamboo Fence
This Rainy Night's Moon The Voice That Calls To Dogs On The Monster's Road Dog God And The Sacred Princess Dawn And Awakening Marks In A Water Channel Descending Dawn The Sleeping Twilight Flower Spring Afternoon And, The Day Was Shady Dark and Thick Woods Both Sides of the Konotegashiwa Winter Winds of the High Peaks Whistles Through the Bamboo Fence