Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchō Tō is a Japanese anime series, which premiered in Japan on the anime satellite TV network Animax. A large part of Tokyo Majin Gakuen, it is loosely based on a series of Japan-only video games, and is directed by Shinji Ishihara. The first season first aired on January 19, 2007 and ended on April 20, 2007; all the episodes in the series were called the 'Dark Law Chapters'. A second season, titled Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchō Tō: Dai Ni Maku started airing on July 27, 2007; its first five episodes are called the 'Martial Fist Chapters', its next five episodes are called the 'Stars of Fate Chapters', and its last two episodes are called the 'Extra'. On June 26, 2007, ADV announced that they had acquired the license to this series. ADV distributed the series under the title of Tokyo Majin, dropping "Gakuen Kenpuchō Tō" from the title. In 2008, the anime became one of over 30 ADV titles whose licenses were transferred to Funimation.
Season 1
Arrival of the Demon Time Encountering the Grudge in Spring Under the Cherry Tree Inhuman Power Congregation Dream Hell Living Hell Multitude of Demonic Arts Woman in the Hole In Violence and Tenderness Bosatsu's Eye Falling Petals and the Diverging Fates Kodunu Revival Valley of Outside Measurements, Valley of the Dark Arts The Falling Star The Twelve Generals of the Martial Fist Purgatorial Howl Let's Change Ourselves From the Inside The Fist Does Not Take Lives The Protecting Fist Story of Byakko - A Mirthless Christmas Eve Story of Genbu - Chaos Story of Suzaku - Destruction Day Story of Seiryu - Gathering Stars of Fate Story of the Golden Dragon - Cherry Blossoms That Do Not Fall Walk Onward, Children Romeo & Juliet
Arrival of the Demon Time Encountering the Grudge in Spring Under the Cherry Tree Inhuman Power Congregation Dream Hell Living Hell Multitude of Demonic Arts Woman in the Hole In Violence and Tenderness Bosatsu's Eye Falling Petals and the Diverging Fates Kodunu Revival Valley of Outside Measurements, Valley of the Dark Arts The Falling Star The Twelve Generals of the Martial Fist Purgatorial Howl Let's Change Ourselves From the Inside The Fist Does Not Take Lives The Protecting Fist Story of Byakko - A Mirthless Christmas Eve Story of Genbu - Chaos Story of Suzaku - Destruction Day Story of Seiryu - Gathering Stars of Fate Story of the Golden Dragon - Cherry Blossoms That Do Not Fall Walk Onward, Children Romeo & Juliet