Flash Gordon is a 1996 animated television series based on the science fiction comic strip of the same name. The character, who had been around in the comics pages since Alex Raymond created him in 1934, had already starred in several movie serials, a 1980 feature, and two earlier cartoon series — The New Adventures of Flash Gordon and Defenders of the Earth.
Season 1
Marooned on Mongo Jaws of the Jungle The Caves of Doom Vandals from the Void Fangs of Fury Terror Beneath the Waves Wings of Destruction The Invisible Claw The Pit of the Tigrons Cry of the Pantheron The Dragon Strikes The Wrath of Ming Rocket to Oblivion Ambush in Arboria Moon of Mystery Revenge of the Dragon The Fiendish Experiment Dungeons of Despair Treasure of the Depths The Fortress of Fear Palace of Peril Shadow of the Shark Double Disaster The Fur Flies Enemy Ming Escape to Earth
Marooned on Mongo Jaws of the Jungle The Caves of Doom Vandals from the Void Fangs of Fury Terror Beneath the Waves Wings of Destruction The Invisible Claw The Pit of the Tigrons Cry of the Pantheron The Dragon Strikes The Wrath of Ming Rocket to Oblivion Ambush in Arboria Moon of Mystery Revenge of the Dragon The Fiendish Experiment Dungeons of Despair Treasure of the Depths The Fortress of Fear Palace of Peril Shadow of the Shark Double Disaster The Fur Flies Enemy Ming Escape to Earth