Louie, a brawny student at the mage's guild, is reluctantly accepted by three girls (Merrill-thief, Genie-fighter, and Melissa-priestess) as a companion for their adventuring party. As the foursome explore ruins, battle dark creatures, and make new friends, they also uncover a sinister plot within the kingdom.
Season 1
The Hero Descends First Time The Big Melee The Phantom Forest Inexperienced Extracurricular Lessons Die for Love? Merrill's Jar A Tearfull Festival of Mylee What Comes in Summer The Tower of the Four Great Magics The True Hero Appears? Flowers of a Moonlit Night The Fugue of the Female Warrior Flower Vender & Flower Bride Vacation by the Lake The Conspiracy of the Darkness The Fighter Louie Transform x 5 Oh, My Home! Sweet Wine of Victory Melissa The Working Girl The Rebel Army Appears The Rule-Breaking Women Louie Punch
The Hero Descends First Time The Big Melee The Phantom Forest Inexperienced Extracurricular Lessons Die for Love? Merrill's Jar A Tearfull Festival of Mylee What Comes in Summer The Tower of the Four Great Magics The True Hero Appears? Flowers of a Moonlit Night The Fugue of the Female Warrior Flower Vender & Flower Bride Vacation by the Lake The Conspiracy of the Darkness The Fighter Louie Transform x 5 Oh, My Home! Sweet Wine of Victory Melissa The Working Girl The Rebel Army Appears The Rule-Breaking Women Louie Punch