Garbage Pail Kids is a Canadian-American cartoon series which was produced in 1987, based on the popular Garbage Pail Kids trading cards, produced and directed by Bob Hathcock and co-written and developed by Flint Dille. Due to controversial themes, it never aired in the United States. However, it did air in most countries in Europe.
Season 1
Junkoid Zone Aliens / Batteries Not Included Pie Fight at the Okee Dokee Corral / Honest Abe Has a Close Shave Idaho Spud and the Temple of Trash / Justin Cleans Up Oops! the Disaster Movie / The House That Dripped Crud Savage Stuart the Barbarian / Green Dean Goes Out of His Bean R.A.L.F. / Elliot Messed Up Supernerd / Mona Loser Kinky Kong / Chris Messin' August Goldthumb / An Egg-citing Adventure The Unmentionables / Heartless Hal The Pink Cats Eye / A Rhyme in Time Shirley Dimples / The Land of Odd The Fry / A Fishy Story
Junkoid Zone Aliens / Batteries Not Included Pie Fight at the Okee Dokee Corral / Honest Abe Has a Close Shave Idaho Spud and the Temple of Trash / Justin Cleans Up Oops! the Disaster Movie / The House That Dripped Crud Savage Stuart the Barbarian / Green Dean Goes Out of His Bean R.A.L.F. / Elliot Messed Up Supernerd / Mona Loser Kinky Kong / Chris Messin' August Goldthumb / An Egg-citing Adventure The Unmentionables / Heartless Hal The Pink Cats Eye / A Rhyme in Time Shirley Dimples / The Land of Odd The Fry / A Fishy Story