This inventive animated comedy series, set inside a giant fish tank in Bud's Pet Shop, presents high school life as seen through the eyes of three BFFs (best fish friends), Bea, Milo and Oscar. Together they experience the typical life challenges and triumphs, including friendship, dating and sports, along with more atypical situations such as giant lobster attacks and, with the use of special land suits, school field trips to the hamster cages. The series was created by children's book illustrator Noah Z. Jones and features a notable voice cast. It's produced using an innovative mixture of digital animation and photo collage
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Milo Vs Milo Everything but the Chicken Sink Live at the Hamsterwood Bowl A Charity Fair to Remember Bye Bye Bea Bea Glass Man Standing South Pafishic Unresolved Fishues Freshwater Five-O Pool Party Panic Labor of Love Assignment: Babies Hare and Back Again Milo's Pony The Brandon Bubble Jocktopizza Hats Amore! Camp Camp Algae Day Bea Saves a Tree Surfing the Interwet Don't Let the Fish Drive the Party Bus Milo in a Cup Fish Taco I Have This Friend... Brothers of a Feather Freshwater Lives The Big Woo
Milo Vs Milo Everything but the Chicken Sink Live at the Hamsterwood Bowl A Charity Fair to Remember Bye Bye Bea Bea Glass Man Standing South Pafishic Unresolved Fishues Freshwater Five-O Pool Party Panic Labor of Love Assignment: Babies Hare and Back Again Milo's Pony The Brandon Bubble Jocktopizza Hats Amore! Camp Camp Algae Day Bea Saves a Tree Surfing the Interwet Don't Let the Fish Drive the Party Bus Milo in a Cup Fish Taco I Have This Friend... Brothers of a Feather Freshwater Lives The Big Woo