Doctor Snuggles is an animated television series created by Jeffrey O'Kelly based on original artwork by Nick Price, about a friendly and optimistic inventor named Doctor Snuggles who has unusual adventures with his friends. The show featured fantastical scenarios which usually involved Doctor Snuggles inventing something outlandish such as a robot helper or diamond-making machine, and had a variety of supporting characters who were mostly anthropomorphic animals.
Season 0
Season 1
The Fabulous Mechanical Mathilda Junkbottom The Astounding Treacle Tree The Spectacular Rescue of Miss Nettles The Unbelievable Wormmobile The Sensational Balloon Race The Magical Multi-Coloured Diamond The Remarkable Fidgety River The Fearful Miscast Spell of Winnie the Witch The Extraordinary Odd Dilemma of Dennis the Badger The Wondrous Powers of the Magic Casket The Turn of Events with the Unwelcome Invaders The Great Disappearing Mystery The Amazing Reflective Myth
The Fabulous Mechanical Mathilda Junkbottom The Astounding Treacle Tree The Spectacular Rescue of Miss Nettles The Unbelievable Wormmobile The Sensational Balloon Race The Magical Multi-Coloured Diamond The Remarkable Fidgety River The Fearful Miscast Spell of Winnie the Witch The Extraordinary Odd Dilemma of Dennis the Badger The Wondrous Powers of the Magic Casket The Turn of Events with the Unwelcome Invaders The Great Disappearing Mystery The Amazing Reflective Myth