Tere Mere Beach Mein was a celebrity chat show, hosted by Farah Khan, the ace choreographer and director from Bollywood. It premiered on Star Plus from August 23, 2009 and aired on Saturday and Sunday every week at 9:00 PM. The show ended on October 10, 2009, after completing 13 episodes.
Season 1
Maa da Laadla (Mother's Darling) Chhote Shehar, Bade Sapne (Small Towns, Big Dreams) Ghar ka Beta (A Child of Home) Second Innings Sibling Rivalry Yeh Ishq Hai (This is Love) Socha na Tha (Never Thought This) Weighty Issues Male Eye Candy Getting Over Hurdles Josh Jawan Hindustan Ka (Powerful Youth of India) Freedom Joru ka Ghulam (Henpecked Husband)
Maa da Laadla (Mother's Darling) Chhote Shehar, Bade Sapne (Small Towns, Big Dreams) Ghar ka Beta (A Child of Home) Second Innings Sibling Rivalry Yeh Ishq Hai (This is Love) Socha na Tha (Never Thought This) Weighty Issues Male Eye Candy Getting Over Hurdles Josh Jawan Hindustan Ka (Powerful Youth of India) Freedom Joru ka Ghulam (Henpecked Husband)