In this revival of the charming Aussie series, Sonny Hammond is a park ranger with two children Jerry and Louise. The kids are involved in adventures that often have an environmental theme. Kate Burgess is a researcher at the habitat.
Season 1
Season 2
Skippy and the Beach Bullies Skippy and the Big Sister Skippy and the Mystery Marsupial Skippy and the Pretenders Skippy and the Rivals Skippy and the Flim Flammers Skippy and the Skipathon Skippy and the Tiger Skippy and the Orchid Skippy and the Treasure Hunt Skippy and the Golfer Skippy and the Millionairess Skippy and the Wedding
Skippy and the Beach Bullies Skippy and the Big Sister Skippy and the Mystery Marsupial Skippy and the Pretenders Skippy and the Rivals Skippy and the Flim Flammers Skippy and the Skipathon Skippy and the Tiger Skippy and the Orchid Skippy and the Treasure Hunt Skippy and the Golfer Skippy and the Millionairess Skippy and the Wedding