Mayuko Chigasaki is an ordinary girl from the countryside, who now is attending university in big city Tokyo. She struggles each day to make ends meet while studying for her exams, barely scraping up the yen to afford bus fare to and from school. And at the end of the day, she comes home to a gluttonous, freeloading alien living in her closet!
Season 1
Alien & Launching UFO Bath Alien & Violence Cosmic Bath Alien & Radio Noise Bath Alien & Beginner Waitress Bath Alien & Dried Up Amusements Bath Alien & Rival Hot Spring Bath Mothership, Go-Con & Cloudy Skies Bath Melancholy & Cast-Off Summer Bath Close Encounter & After the Rain Bath Glow of the Firefly & Nocturne Bath NieA_7 Bath (Former Part) NieA_7 Bath (Latter Part) Time Flows by in Enohana Bath
Alien & Launching UFO Bath Alien & Violence Cosmic Bath Alien & Radio Noise Bath Alien & Beginner Waitress Bath Alien & Dried Up Amusements Bath Alien & Rival Hot Spring Bath Mothership, Go-Con & Cloudy Skies Bath Melancholy & Cast-Off Summer Bath Close Encounter & After the Rain Bath Glow of the Firefly & Nocturne Bath NieA_7 Bath (Former Part) NieA_7 Bath (Latter Part) Time Flows by in Enohana Bath