Ban Daisuke of Kikaida fame takes the lead role in this classic series pitting a college student against the hostile forces of the Neo-Human Empire. Unique among live action tokusatsu shows, this innovative series features the extraordinary double henshin transformation, the Raijingo supercar, and psionic (psychic) abilities. Watari Goro (Ban) clashes with Emperor Bamba's grotesque corps of mutant monsters, and exclaims, "Summon Supreme Power” (Choriki Shorai!) to initiate his final transformation into Inazuman.
Season 1
Season 2
Terror of Fuhrer Geisel and Riddle of the Despar Army Terrifying Safari!! Epic Battle at Sea 500 Hydron Bomb!! Ground Base Great Battle Riddle of the Airship to Space DES Missle, Great Mid-air Battle Geisel's Great Fort Great Decisive Battle! Udespar vs. Inazuman!! Udespar Siblings! Cross Hurricane!! Boys Circus and Great Multi-Operation Udespar Siblings' Defiant Shape Beautiful Cyborg! The Alter-ego at Dawn!! Phantom City: Despar City White Darkness!! Witch Sings the Babysitter Song Great Aerial Battle!! Combine Udespar Tactical Squad Big Flood Operation!! The Mysterious Woman: Whose Name is the Despar Secret Agent Blue Pupils of the Invader Red Queen: Ballad of Assassination Inazuman: Joins the Despar Army!! Butterfly and Guillotine: Flower Hell Operation The Deceased Squad - Route 047 Kill the Burdensome Ones: Geisel's Supereme Command Farewell Inazuman: Geisel's Last Day
Terror of Fuhrer Geisel and Riddle of the Despar Army Terrifying Safari!! Epic Battle at Sea 500 Hydron Bomb!! Ground Base Great Battle Riddle of the Airship to Space DES Missle, Great Mid-air Battle Geisel's Great Fort Great Decisive Battle! Udespar vs. Inazuman!! Udespar Siblings! Cross Hurricane!! Boys Circus and Great Multi-Operation Udespar Siblings' Defiant Shape Beautiful Cyborg! The Alter-ego at Dawn!! Phantom City: Despar City White Darkness!! Witch Sings the Babysitter Song Great Aerial Battle!! Combine Udespar Tactical Squad Big Flood Operation!! The Mysterious Woman: Whose Name is the Despar Secret Agent Blue Pupils of the Invader Red Queen: Ballad of Assassination Inazuman: Joins the Despar Army!! Butterfly and Guillotine: Flower Hell Operation The Deceased Squad - Route 047 Kill the Burdensome Ones: Geisel's Supereme Command Farewell Inazuman: Geisel's Last Day