The show revolves around a group of five ronin (masterless samurai) who make a living by transporting anything, anywhere. They take on tasks ranging from dangerous items that the town's couriers won't handle to people. The narrative features an innovative concept where the characters become entangled in incidents and use their skills and courage to resolve them. Starring veteran actors Yutaro Daitomo, Ryuji Shinagawa, Goh Wakabayashi, and others, the series is known for its lively and bold storytelling, making it a must-watch for fans of historical dramas.
Season 1
The Devil's Path The Midnight Messenger The Road to Sacrifice Night storm on the Koshu Road When the teapot turns into a decapitated head Songs from the hell of motherhood From Darkness to Darkness Empty wind, merciless heart The Pirate Legacy Masked Pyrotechnist The silent beauty Journey through reverse dreams The flowered winter hat
The Devil's Path The Midnight Messenger The Road to Sacrifice Night storm on the Koshu Road When the teapot turns into a decapitated head Songs from the hell of motherhood From Darkness to Darkness Empty wind, merciless heart The Pirate Legacy Masked Pyrotechnist The silent beauty Journey through reverse dreams The flowered winter hat