Dragon’s Rock is a CG comedy sitcom about a family of eccentric dragons called the Hoppers. The Hoppers aren’t a typical dragon family. For one thing they have a pet human – a know-it-all knight called Lord Cyril, and to make matters worse, Stanley, the Dad, was raised by humans. As a result he can’t bring himself to eat them – a bit of a problem when male dragons are judged by their ferociousness.
Season 1
The Legend of the Lost Egg The Legend of the Potion That Works The Legend of the Great Divide The Legend of Many Cyrils The Legend of the Three Headed Babysitter The Legend of the Hottest Day The Legend of the Lost Fire The Legend of the Love on the Rock The Legend of the Golden Chamber The Legend of That Other Dragon The Legend of the Jester The Legend of the Lazy Day The Legend of the Feast of Love The Legend of Stan Senior The Legend of the Second Knight The Legend of the Ten Bones The Legend of the Great Achievement The Legend of the School Bully The Legend of the Wrong Remedy The Legend of the Siege The Legend of the Strike The Legend of the Big Break The Legend of the Perfect Parents The Legend of Aunt Harriet The Legend of the Old Switcharoo The Legend of Obulus the Not So Truculent
The Legend of the Lost Egg The Legend of the Potion That Works The Legend of the Great Divide The Legend of Many Cyrils The Legend of the Three Headed Babysitter The Legend of the Hottest Day The Legend of the Lost Fire The Legend of the Love on the Rock The Legend of the Golden Chamber The Legend of That Other Dragon The Legend of the Jester The Legend of the Lazy Day The Legend of the Feast of Love The Legend of Stan Senior The Legend of the Second Knight The Legend of the Ten Bones The Legend of the Great Achievement The Legend of the School Bully The Legend of the Wrong Remedy The Legend of the Siege The Legend of the Strike The Legend of the Big Break The Legend of the Perfect Parents The Legend of Aunt Harriet The Legend of the Old Switcharoo The Legend of Obulus the Not So Truculent