In mankind's grasp for the future, a sinister foe known only as Gargoyle begins his plans to take over the world. Nadia, with the help of a young inventor, Jean Ratlique, and Captain Nemo of the submarine Nautilus, must fight to save the world from Gargoyle and Neo-Atlantis.
Season 0
Season 1
Girl at the Eiffel Tower The Little Fugitive The Riddle of the Giant Sea Monsters Nautilus, The Fantastic Submarine Marie's Island Infiltration of the Secret Base The Tower of Babel Mission to Rescue Nadia Nemo's Secret A Crowning Performance by the Gratan New Recruits for the Nautilus Grandis and Her First Love Run, Marie, Run! The Valley of Dinicthys The Nautilus Faces Its Biggest Crisis The Mystery of the Lost Continent Jean's New Invention Nautilus vs. Nautilus Nemo's Best Friend Jean Makes a Mistake Farewell Nautilus Electra the Traitor Young Drifters Lincoln Island The First Kiss King, the Lonely Lion The Island of the Witch The Floating Island King vs. King Labyrinth in the Earth Farewell, Red Noah Nadia's Love King's Rescue My Darling Nadia The Secret of Blue Water The New Nautilus Emperor Neo To the Sky Successor to the Stars
Girl at the Eiffel Tower The Little Fugitive The Riddle of the Giant Sea Monsters Nautilus, The Fantastic Submarine Marie's Island Infiltration of the Secret Base The Tower of Babel Mission to Rescue Nadia Nemo's Secret A Crowning Performance by the Gratan New Recruits for the Nautilus Grandis and Her First Love Run, Marie, Run! The Valley of Dinicthys The Nautilus Faces Its Biggest Crisis The Mystery of the Lost Continent Jean's New Invention Nautilus vs. Nautilus Nemo's Best Friend Jean Makes a Mistake Farewell Nautilus Electra the Traitor Young Drifters Lincoln Island The First Kiss King, the Lonely Lion The Island of the Witch The Floating Island King vs. King Labyrinth in the Earth Farewell, Red Noah Nadia's Love King's Rescue My Darling Nadia The Secret of Blue Water The New Nautilus Emperor Neo To the Sky Successor to the Stars