In the magical setting of an enchanted island, what of all things but the infamous ship Titanic happens to wind up in a nearby cove? And who do we find on the premises, but our friends from the «Legend of Titanic» saga?! The gang’s all here: Elizabeth, Don Juan, the mice (Ronnie and Top Connors), a clever dog called Smile, Chantilly (Smile's sweetheart) — and then there’s Tentacles, the 7-year-old child octopus who had previously saved the ship’s crew. Unfortunately, the baddies Maltravers and his assistant Geoffrey are here as well! Fantasy Island is an animation that takes us on a thrilling ride from the kingdom of Atlantis all the way to an island unlike any other. During the show, new characters are added to the series like Francis the ghost, Ulla the cloud, Smile and Chantilly's puppies and Elizabeth and Don Juan's long lost family,even their new son and daughter.
Season 1
Memories of Titanic Little Explorers Great Discoveries The Submerged Cave Ulla's Apologies The Storm A House for Puppies Birth of the Puppies Louis the New Prince Titanic's Revision Island Under Attack The Great Battle Heroes of the Battle Louis's Jealousy A Lesson for Baron Van der Tilt Merveille's Powers The Search for Treasure Trip to Earth Arrival in Andalucia Kidnapping Attempt Encounter with the Wolves Jeffrey's Confession Arrival in London Mice and Sharks Alliance The Kidnapping of Merveille Baron Van der Tilt's Arrest The Recovery of Titanic
Memories of Titanic Little Explorers Great Discoveries The Submerged Cave Ulla's Apologies The Storm A House for Puppies Birth of the Puppies Louis the New Prince Titanic's Revision Island Under Attack The Great Battle Heroes of the Battle Louis's Jealousy A Lesson for Baron Van der Tilt Merveille's Powers The Search for Treasure Trip to Earth Arrival in Andalucia Kidnapping Attempt Encounter with the Wolves Jeffrey's Confession Arrival in London Mice and Sharks Alliance The Kidnapping of Merveille Baron Van der Tilt's Arrest The Recovery of Titanic