Ten-year-old Vida, is an animal doctor who nurtures the charming and silly woodland creatures who live outside her home. Is there a fox with a sprained paw? A turtle with an itchy toe? A tiger with an aching tooth? Vida is the vet for the job! With quick thinking, a doctor's intuition and the help of her closest friends, Vida helps adorable animals and makes sure they get the care they need.
Season 1
Koa's Sweet Tooth Toby’s Blurry Blunders Juno’s Bubble Bath Breakout Fergie’s Horrible Hiccups Koa’s Prickly Predicament Vida’s New Helpers Sweetwood’s Itchy Scratchies Juno’s Long-Lasting Cast Popcorn’s X-Ray Bad Day Pippen’s Bad Breath Fergie’s Sad Day Zigzag’s Snail Service Vida’s Happy Vet Day Kipp’s Dizzy Mystery Vida’s Healthy Fur Day Zigzag’s Buddy Worry Sunny’s Vet Training Juno’s Wiggly Tooth Otto’s Fancy Friend Fergie’s Wobbly Wheel Vida’s Wandering Wonders Tidbit’s Achy Ankles Sunny's Naptime Blues Popcorn Gets Wheel Tired Sunny’s Baby Sister Surprise Koa Nails It Juno Mama Day Tidbit’ Thirsty Day Otto’s Crampy Conundrum Koa’s Custom Cone Pippen’s Vanishing Voice Tidbit’s Watermelon Worry Zigzag’s To-Do Troubles Tidbit’s Buggy Bite Popcorn’s Spooky Surprise Fergie’s Favourite Things Baby Mouse’s Teething Troubles Tidbit’s Stinging Sunburn Sweetwood’s Snowy Day Sweetwood’s Slippery Day Vida’s Tiny Trip Sweetwood’s Sneezy Day Prickly’s Ice Skating Uh-Oh Sunny’s Noise No-No Otto’s Smelly Feet Juno’s Quiet Friend Zigzag’s No-Poo Problem Pippen’s Stomach Bug Vida’s Valentines Delay Sunny’s Germy Hands Zigzag’s Skunk Spray The Vida the Vet Book
Koa's Sweet Tooth Toby’s Blurry Blunders Juno’s Bubble Bath Breakout Fergie’s Horrible Hiccups Koa’s Prickly Predicament Vida’s New Helpers Sweetwood’s Itchy Scratchies Juno’s Long-Lasting Cast Popcorn’s X-Ray Bad Day Pippen’s Bad Breath Fergie’s Sad Day Zigzag’s Snail Service Vida’s Happy Vet Day Kipp’s Dizzy Mystery Vida’s Healthy Fur Day Zigzag’s Buddy Worry Sunny’s Vet Training Juno’s Wiggly Tooth Otto’s Fancy Friend Fergie’s Wobbly Wheel Vida’s Wandering Wonders Tidbit’s Achy Ankles Sunny's Naptime Blues Popcorn Gets Wheel Tired Sunny’s Baby Sister Surprise Koa Nails It Juno Mama Day Tidbit’ Thirsty Day Otto’s Crampy Conundrum Koa’s Custom Cone Pippen’s Vanishing Voice Tidbit’s Watermelon Worry Zigzag’s To-Do Troubles Tidbit’s Buggy Bite Popcorn’s Spooky Surprise Fergie’s Favourite Things Baby Mouse’s Teething Troubles Tidbit’s Stinging Sunburn Sweetwood’s Snowy Day Sweetwood’s Slippery Day Vida’s Tiny Trip Sweetwood’s Sneezy Day Prickly’s Ice Skating Uh-Oh Sunny’s Noise No-No Otto’s Smelly Feet Juno’s Quiet Friend Zigzag’s No-Poo Problem Pippen’s Stomach Bug Vida’s Valentines Delay Sunny’s Germy Hands Zigzag’s Skunk Spray The Vida the Vet Book