Here and Now is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from September 19, 1992 to January 2, 1993. The series starred Malcolm-Jamal Warner in the lead role, who prior to this series co-starred in The Cosby Show which ended its run in Spring 1992. Bill Cosby served as one on the show's executive producers along with Warner serving as executive consultant credited as M.J. Warner. The song "Tennessee" by Arrested Development was used as the show's theme song.
Season 1
Pilot Lovers and Other Dangers Trust Me One on Won Guess Who's Coming to the Center A Halloween Kiss (a.k.a. The Halloween Show) Love Handles Great Expectations A.J.'s Big Leap Take My Grandparents... Please! Backsliding Pre-Ring Circus My Bodyguard Grandma's Big Decision Pennies from Heaven
Pilot Lovers and Other Dangers Trust Me One on Won Guess Who's Coming to the Center A Halloween Kiss (a.k.a. The Halloween Show) Love Handles Great Expectations A.J.'s Big Leap Take My Grandparents... Please! Backsliding Pre-Ring Circus My Bodyguard Grandma's Big Decision Pennies from Heaven