The Court of Last Resort is an American television dramatized court show which aired on the NBC from 1957 through 1958. It was co-produced by Erle Stanley Gardner's Paisano Productions, which also brought forth the long-running hit television program, Perry Mason on CBS. Its approach to dealing with potential miscarriages of justice in an entirely extra-judicial format was adopted by the BBC series Rough Justice in the 1980s.
Season 1
The Gordon Wallace Case The Case of Thomas Mendoza The Forbes-Carol Case The Wesley Ferguson Case The George Zaccho Case The Karl Hooft Case The Conrad Murray Case The Darlene Fitzgerald Case The James Dawson Case The Clarence Redding Case The Jim Thompson Case The John Smith Story The Westover Case The Arnold McHugh Case The Steve Hrdlika Case The Phillip Huston Case The Peter Stevens Case The Lester Arnold Case The Frank Clark Case The Jacob Loveless Case The Joe Credo Case The Stephen Lowell Case The Mary Morales Case The Joel Sheldon Case The Todd-Loomis Case The Allen Cutler Case
The Gordon Wallace Case The Case of Thomas Mendoza The Forbes-Carol Case The Wesley Ferguson Case The George Zaccho Case The Karl Hooft Case The Conrad Murray Case The Darlene Fitzgerald Case The James Dawson Case The Clarence Redding Case The Jim Thompson Case The John Smith Story The Westover Case The Arnold McHugh Case The Steve Hrdlika Case The Phillip Huston Case The Peter Stevens Case The Lester Arnold Case The Frank Clark Case The Jacob Loveless Case The Joe Credo Case The Stephen Lowell Case The Mary Morales Case The Joel Sheldon Case The Todd-Loomis Case The Allen Cutler Case